Stone Door Group specializes in design, implementation, and management of integrated automation solutions. Our experts utilize various technologies to design and deploy cohesive system that enhances operational efficiency. Stone Door Group work across industries, configuring and optimizing automation to meet specific business needs. The certification and expertise at Stone Door Group spans software development, cloud and hardware integration, along with ongoing support, ensuring seamless automations that aligns with organizational objectives, enhances productivity, and drives innovation in industrial processes.


Disaster Recovery (DR) involves policies and procedures to restore critical systems and data after a disruptive event, ensuring business operations resume. It focuses on minimizing downtime and data loss. Business Continuity (BC) involves broader strategies to maintain essential business functions during and after a disaster. BC ensures the organization operates at an acceptable level even during disruptions, encompassing people, processes, and technology. Together, DR and BC form a comprehensive approach to resilience, safeguarding against unforeseen events and enabling organizations to adapt, recover, and continue delivering essential services in the face of disasters, technology failures, or other disruptions.


Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is a critical practice in IT that focuses on tracking and optimizing the performance of software applications. APM tools provide real-time insights into various aspects of application behavior, including response times, error rates, and resource utilization. By monitoring the end-user experience, APM helps identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, ensuring optimal functionality. It plays a vital role in modern, complex IT environments, especially in cloud-native and microservices architectures, enabling organizations to deliver seamless user experiences, meet service level agreements, and enhance overall operational efficiency. APM is essential for proactive issue resolution, minimizing downtime, and improving overall business productivity.


Technology Business Management (TBM) is a strategic discipline aligning IT with business objectives. Focused on cost transparency, TBM enables organizations to understand, manage, and optimize technology investments. It applies financial principles, emphasizing value delivery and efficient resource allocation. TBM involves benchmarking against industry standards, analytics for informed decision-making, and a service-centric approach to IT management. By fostering collaboration between IT and business stakeholders, TBM ensures technology supports organizational goals, enhances innovation, and drives overall business success through optimal IT spending and performance.